Clubhouse Guide for Newbies


Are any of you all on clubhouse? I’m one week into the platform and mostly just observing right now. These are my 5 main tips so far, plus my take on the platform.

1-Jump around from room to room. Some moderators and discussions will resonate with you, some will not. Find your people

2-Beware of posers. No surprise they would exist on another SM platform. A good way to do this is vet the people you are listening to. I usually do this by clicking on their CH profile and then click to their insta profile to see what they are about and if they are worth taking advice from.

3-Do the smaller rooms. Like IRL they feel more intimate and I, for one, have gotten the most value in these rooms. The other benefit of smaller rooms is that you can really sniff out the posers!

4-Exception to rule 3—join the worthwhile bigger rooms. The great thing about CH is that you get access to people (maybe your idols or mentors) that you may not have access to in the past. For instance, I was able to join a room the other night where Elon Musk was guest speaking and it honestly was one of the most fascinating and inspiring talks I have ever attended.

 5-Key words are your friends. This is what CH’s alogrithim will use to generate recommendations to you and this is also how people will find you and how you can also find clubs you are interested it. Examples I use are: Travel, Marketing, Peloton and Writers.

 I do think there is value on the platform, but there are a lot of weeds to muck through. And don’t get into the trap of spending ALL your time there. I can see how it can be addicting since it is overwhelming the first few days because there is so much on there!

I’ve finessed my routine to listen at 8am every morning while I’m having my coffee. I bop around from room to room until I find something inspiring. I have it on in the background when I’m cooking and eating. And if there is a specific room I want to attend, I schedule the time on my calendar so I can be present to absorb and take notes. It’s about finding what works best for you! If you have any questions, jump on one of the intro rooms or dm me and I can try and help.